Friday, July 23, 2010


Yes, it’s been a few months since my last posting, but it has been an eventful few months. We have seen, on July 1, the closing of four church buildings, filled with artistic and historical significance, and more importantly, the profound and deepest spiritual treasures of so many faithful Catholics of greater Fitchburg. Now comes the daunting task of developing a new model of parish life in Fitchburg.  The plan of the reconfiguration of parishes in Fitchburg does not end with the merging of eight parishes into four. That is just the beginning.
If we cannot make the transition to a broader understanding of church with a more cooperative and “team” oriented sense of ministry then the painful sacrifices that have been made will have been made in vain.
To further this work, the priests of the City of Fitchburg will be meeting on Wednesday, July 28 to discuss a full agenda of items to begin planning in a variety of areas: hospital and nursing home coverage, Mass schedules, religious education, programs for Lent and other times of the year, and other topics.  It is my hope that soon we will have lay faithful from all of the parishes involved in an ongoing manner in all of these discussions.  I’ll keep you posted (I promise!) on what happened at this meeting.

Other notable scheduled events:

Annual Parish Finance Committee budget meeting for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 at the rectory on Thursday, August 5 at 6:30. Now is the time to make known any concerns you may have for items which need more or less funding.

Madonna della Cava celebration Sunday, August 15 at the 10:30 Mass and after. All are welcome to be a part of this devotion to the Blessed Mother on the Feast of her Assumption.