Friday, October 1, 2010

Returning from the Holy Land

I returned last night from my pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  It will take some time to absorb it all.  Surprisingly, it is not the individual shrines I remember as much as the landscape. Maybe it is because the shrines were built centuries after the life of Jesus on earth, maybe it is because contemporary archeology gives us vague answers like, “This may have been the site, or, if not, somewhere in this vicinity;” the shrines themselves didn’t move me as much as the land.  I was particularly moved in the Judean Desert, where St. John the Baptist preached and where Jesus was tempted, where He was baptized, where He went for solitude.  It is not a sandy desert.  It’s hardpan soil with mounds of rocks. It is a harsh and brooding place, with an endless horizon, unmerciful sun, and no shade. Also, I was deeply moved sailing on the Sea of Galilee in a replica of the type of boat the fishermen of the first century used. We got to the middle of the lake (it’s not that big – maybe the size of the Wachusett Reservoir), and the sailors cut the engines and with the silence of the sea broken only by the lapping of the waves against the boat and the gentle rippling effect of the wind in the sails, we prayed.


It’s good to be home and it was very good indeed to be blessed by this pilgrimage.  I’m sure I will be referring to it one way or another for years to come in my homilies.


Father Bob

Friday, August 6, 2010

Meeting of all Priests in Fitchburg

We had a very successful and positive meeting of all of the priests in Fitchburg on Wednesday, July 28. We consolidated our Mass schedule which is at the end of this blog. We developed a schedule for hospital and nursing home coverage.  We have discussed working to consolidate Confirmation preparation as a potential first step in consolidating religious education in the four parishes.  We would like to inaugurate a Fitchburg All Parish Council, which would consist of four lay representatives and one priest from each of the parishes in the city to communicate more effectively and to develop multi-parish evangelization efforts. It was a very busy meeting.

On Thursday, August 5, the Parish Finance Committee met to develop a proposed budget for FY10-11, which begins for us on September 1.  When you realize that our operating budget is a quarter of a million dollars, not including the much larger school budget, you realize that the days of the pastor keeping petty cash and receipts in a cigar box have passed! How grateful we are to have financial professionals to guide and direct our budget in a prudent manner, so that we have the resources necessary to minister effectively to our parish community and to the entire City of Fitchburg.

Mass Schedule in Fitchburg (by time)

Saturday Vigil:
            4:00 PM            St. Anthony, St. Francis, St. Joseph
            4:15 PM            St. Camillus
            6:00 PM            St. Anthony

            7:00 AM            St. Joseph
            8:00 AM            St. Anthony, St. Camillus
            9:00 AM            St. Francis, St. Joseph
            10:00 AM          St. Camillus
            10:30 AM          St. Anthony
            11:00 AM          St. Francis (Spanish), St. Joseph
            11:15 AM          Fitchburg State College (during the academic year)
            12:30 PM          St. Joseph (Extraordinary Form/Latin)
            5:00 PM            St. Joseph
            6:00 PM            St. Camillus

Mass Schedule (by place)

St. Anthony:      Saturday 4 & 6 PM; Sunday 8 & 10:30 AM

St. Bernard @ St. Camillus:        Saturday 4:15 PM; Sunday 8 & 10 AM, 6 PM
Fitchburg State College:             Sunday 11:15 AM (during academic year)

St. Francis:       Saturday 4 PM; Sunday 9 & 11 AM (Spanish)

St. Joseph:        Saturday 4 PM; Sunday 7, 9 & 11 AM, 12:30 PM (Latin), 5 PM

Weekday Mass Schedule (by day)

7:00 AM            St. Anthony, St. Camillus
8:00 AM            St. Camillus, St. Francis, St. Joseph
12:30 PM          Fitchburg State College

7:00 AM            St. Camillus
8:00 AM            St. Camillus, St. Francis, St. Joseph
12:30 PM          Fitchburg State College
6:00 PM            St. Francis (Spanish)

7:00 AM            St. Camillus
8:00 AM            St. Camillus, St. Francis, St. Joseph
12:30 PM          Fitchburg State College
5:30 PM            St. Anthony

7:00 AM            St. Anthony, St. Camillus
8:00 AM            St. Camillus, St. Francis, St. Joseph

7:00 AM            St. Anthony, St. Camillus
8:00 AM            St. Camillus, St. Joseph
6:00 PM            St. Francis

8:00 AM            St. Camillus, St. Joseph

Friday, July 23, 2010


Yes, it’s been a few months since my last posting, but it has been an eventful few months. We have seen, on July 1, the closing of four church buildings, filled with artistic and historical significance, and more importantly, the profound and deepest spiritual treasures of so many faithful Catholics of greater Fitchburg. Now comes the daunting task of developing a new model of parish life in Fitchburg.  The plan of the reconfiguration of parishes in Fitchburg does not end with the merging of eight parishes into four. That is just the beginning.
If we cannot make the transition to a broader understanding of church with a more cooperative and “team” oriented sense of ministry then the painful sacrifices that have been made will have been made in vain.
To further this work, the priests of the City of Fitchburg will be meeting on Wednesday, July 28 to discuss a full agenda of items to begin planning in a variety of areas: hospital and nursing home coverage, Mass schedules, religious education, programs for Lent and other times of the year, and other topics.  It is my hope that soon we will have lay faithful from all of the parishes involved in an ongoing manner in all of these discussions.  I’ll keep you posted (I promise!) on what happened at this meeting.

Other notable scheduled events:

Annual Parish Finance Committee budget meeting for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 at the rectory on Thursday, August 5 at 6:30. Now is the time to make known any concerns you may have for items which need more or less funding.

Madonna della Cava celebration Sunday, August 15 at the 10:30 Mass and after. All are welcome to be a part of this devotion to the Blessed Mother on the Feast of her Assumption. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Confirmation Celebrated on April 19th

Monday, April 19 was Confirmation Day for young men and women of the parish. Our bishop, Bishop Robert J. McManus, confirmed candidates from St. Anthony Parish as well as candidates from Immaculate Conception, St. Francis, St. Joseph and Madonna of the Holy Rosary Parishes.  It was a joy-filled and beautiful liturgy, celebrating both the individual candidates who have chosen to take this step forward in their faith, but also the increased unity among the parishes of Fitchburg.  We are One Church.  We are One Body of Christ. We are called to give a unified witness to Jesus Christ and to His Church to our city and beyond.

As you know, St. Bernard and St. Camillus DeLellis Parishes will merge into one, new St. Bernard’s Parish, worshipping on Mechanic Street.  Immaculate Conception, Madonna of the Holy Rosary and Sacred Heart of Jesus Parishes are in the process of determining with whom they wish to merge. Soon after that the Bishop will be announcing pastors for the four new parishes. It is an exciting time for all of us.

With the excitement comes anxiety and also a well-founded sorrow over what has been lost.  One cannot drive through the streets of Fitchburg and look upon these magnificent edifices built for the glory of God without sadness thinking some of these church buildings will be closed. Some will be put to other uses, some may be torn down. We do not know what the future holds.

Like the Confirmation candidates who walked forward confidently to the Bishop to be confirmed, we, too, can be filled with confidence and hope. We don’t need to know everything that the future holds. We only need to trust in God and walk together.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter, Resurrection and New Birth

Another rainy day today (Monday), and the branches on the trees are pretty bare, but Easter is upon us and spring is in the air. All of this annoying rain is softening the soil and getting us ready for a burst of green – on our lawns, on our trees, in our gardens. We don’t see it yet, but we know it’s coming.

This has been a traumatic year for the entire Catholic community in Fitchburg. Changes, long anticipated, have finally been announced. For many, this will be the last Holy Week celebrated in a beloved church building. It is impossible not to grieve over such a loss. All of us have to acknowledge the pain our brothers and sisters are experiencing. Now is the time to be supportive and understanding.

The closing of a building does not mean the end of a church any more than moving from one house to another means the end of the family.

The sorrow of Good Friday is not the end of the story. With the early disciples, we have to push on to Easter. Our journey of faith does not end with the limp and lifeless body of Jesus suspended from the cross. Our journey takes us to the empty tomb and beyond. It takes time and patience, the willingness to listen and the willingness to change. It will probably be a year or so before everything is sorted out, but the longest journey begins with a single step.

This Easter, as we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord, let us recommit ourselves to be partners with one another, believers of the promise and doers of the Word of New Birth and New Life.

Fr. Bob Bruso